Is the honorarium limit based on listing timestamp or date of the class?

Is the monthly limit based on listing time or paid out classes? If scheduled and a particular class doesn’t end up qualifying (not enough attendees) does that open up for another class for that month? If so, how is which class gets that allotment decided?

Related question if it’s not based on listing timestamp, if I list a class at the beginning of the month for late in the month is it possible someone comes in and lists a class after me but holds it before mine and gets honarium but I don’t?

I went to list a class but saw the post about July being closed now so was curious how this part works. I want to be prepared for August.

If this is answered in another thread forgive me. The 4 or 5 threads got hundreds of posts long and were hard to keep up with.


If you are approved for honorarium for a class in august, I dont believe someone with an earlier class can snatch it out from under you.
Now if you had a class on the books that doesnt make, I dont think the current setup knows to put that 50 back in the market.

Do you know where an instructor can look to see if we are getting close to the limit?

There isn’t a place right now. We have nothing pending yet because it is closed off. I don’t know when they will be opening it back up for August yet.

This was posted by yours truly to TALK this past weekend…

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Right, but that’s not a place they can look up to see how many classes are already scheduled. Maybe I misunderstood what she was looking for.

I would surmise that this ‘threshold monitoring’ information would be a reporting requirement, likely with some pre-established report run Frequency.

report development considerations:

What’s on the report?

How often is the report generated?

Who are the ‘consumers’ of the report?

“Oh @FreddyCalvert…? Paging Freddy Calvert…”

Well I was just curious if there is a warning for instructors or if it’s just a ‘youre too late’. But mostly I wanted conformation that a class posted on the 2nd for occurance on the 28th gets the honorarium over a class posted on the 5th that happens on the 15th. Or if it’s based on the date a qualifying class actually happens? If that makes sense?

Edit: actually though I am legitimately curious how quickly we hit the cap each month now that I think about it. And whether the amount of classes submitted on the 1st of the month goes up.

So is this first come first serve honorarium right now for the month? Committees don’t have a target allocation per month?

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I desperately hope the BoD is prepared to allocate it by comittee if they’re going to do this…or passes a measure limiting how many honorariums can be collected per member per month. The same members abusing the current system will just abuse this one and chase off all the rest of the teachers who have jobs and lives outside the space. Plan a month out or fend for yourself because Joe Maker is at the honorarium buffet again is bananas.

The last few months the cap has been hit within the first two weeks

We have asked the Honorarium class auditors to be on the look-out for egregious request loading.

Any concerns about bulk class submissions where honorarium are being requested (especially at the very beginning of the month) will probably necessitate an offline discussion between the class submitter, the class audit team and possibly the BoD (rarely) to make sure we understand the bulk class request.

The overriding assumption in all cases for the immediate future is “assume positive intent” on behalf of the class submitters. We support our instructors and we know they want to share the available honorarium equitably across their fellow instructors.

After all, we’re all in this together. We can review the program funds allocation as it unfolds, and if tweaks need to be made, we will definitely support process improvements iteratively.


So are the classes at the end of July just SOL on honorarium because of the front load July panic that happened?

Or did the new rate get applied in the rears so there are still funds for teachers at the end of the month? I have no dog in this fight just curious.

No more honorarium for July. Eventbright and PayPal are encouraged.

That’s just it. From what I saw we had no panic whatsoever. If anything we had less classes while folks did the wait and watch. However if the HA team has a general guide I’m sure they’ll be following it.

One of the auditors created a spreadsheet and was tracking it. We hit our limit last week and it was just business as usual.

Keep in mind that August honorarium will be at the 25/25 rate.


Yes, Keep this in mind. July I presume is at the old 50/50.

That’s my understanding. I believe Committees will eventually level-set into an allocation, but it did not occur at the cross-chair event to my knowledge.

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My earlier classes were paid out at $50. While I’m planning a few more classes, I was already planning other options than honorarium. The thing I just did I held as an event.

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So half way through the month and 150 classes paid.