Is Talk the place to address problems with DMS?

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Yes, we all have our likes and dislikes with members of the former board, me included, but let’s skip the personal attacks of her and answer the question instead.

Yes. Absolutely. 100%. But when it gets to the point of being a complaint or action being taken against a specific member, that should be a board or committee item to handle and should be reported to the wiki in minutes and to the 86 page if it should go that far.

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When I was new I thought talk was not the place for this because i thought it was airing out dirty laundry. As I have been here longer, i think it is appropriate because it contains a log of what was said and some of the contexts. There were a lot of things I heard about when I joined based off of word of mouth and going back and reading things on talk proves to be a much different story on some of it. It’s also been nice that talk hasnt gone down for “maintenance” lately when difficult topics have been discussed, that or I just havent been on when it has.


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I just wanted to expand on this Talk is like Dallas Makerspace’s twitter it does not lie and there are audit logs if you try to make changes to what you said using Talk to air grievances is a direct line to the membership as a leader this can be invaluable especially when people who are trusted say something to mislead the organization.

As a member talk is a direct line to the leadership especially in situations that impact the usability of the space. I can’t think of anything else much more transparent than an open letter and that is the intent.

Notably if you’re an “Insert Metaphor Here” on talk it should be the exact same consequences as in real life and accountability should be the same.


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Sure doesn’t sound like they do. Is this another one of those perspective things where the truth is malleable?

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The statement I got at the time from the lawyer was along the lines of “it’s silly, but in a month the new board can just undo all this. Just end the drama and fix it later since you guys have bigger things you should be handling rather than spending any more time on this”


Transition with you? I believe you told me to go fuck myself when we would not let you be chair of logistics because you were being sued by another member. Your refusal to properly transition all of the banking and contracts created a lot of extra work for us, but with the help of our bank contact, accountants and previous board members we were able to get it done.

To be clear, we have a signed copy of an NDA, but it doesn’t match any of what you described.


Does the NDA have a provition preventing the NDA itself from being shared? If not I think the membership would find it really interesting to read, I certainly would.

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No one ever said I didn’t give the PureTax emails to Andrew LeCody. You were trying to imply when it occurred to line up with the ban of the finance team. He had access to those WAY before then when we were looking at the lack of budget for expansion. You also asked a member who’s line of work is data forensics to do an investigation. I believe his investigation was completely thorough, honest and very detailed.

Also the transition folder with details was “lost” or “stolen” much like the expansion drawings.


We have to give them notice that we are ending the NDA. We can do that and share it here.

We hadn’t bothered to do it so far because it was irrelevant since we aren’t using them for the project.