Is starving maker option gone?

I had to cancel my membership last January 2020 because I couldn’t afford it, but now I want to restart but it seems like the option for starving maker is gone, or maybe I just can’t find it.

This is the screen I am looking at, is there somewhere else I have to go to do the starving maker option? I remember it being right next to regular pricing last time I did this.

Rate Schedules No Longer Offered

This section is not part of the rules and exists for reference purposes only

These rates/programs are no longer available but are grandfathered for existing members that have an active subscription at said rates.

  • Monthly Membership : $30, $40, $50 / month, predating rate changes in 2011 and 2019
  • Starving Hacker : This program has been redefined as “Student/Retired/Veteran”

Maker Fellowship

The Board of Directors may, to recognize certain members, award fellowships to cover membership dues. Fellowships awarded by the Board will be applied as a credit to a member’s account. Fellowships are non-refundable, non-transferable, and may be declined.

From WIKI here:

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“starving hacker” is gone, but what most people qualified under are still around but you need to open a ticket for a promo code.

  • students
  • retirees
  • first responders
  • veterans

Thanks! I am a student so will send a ticket requesting the code

I can’t speak for @hon1nbo or others, but my understanding is that starving hacker was being abused by some. I could be wrong though.

I understand. When I originally signed up I asked what the requirements were for it and was basically told “You want to”. I am glad they have redefined it, but it would be nice if the student/senior/veteran option was obvious. Of course I am happy to provide verification, but I didn’t know if that was even available anymore.

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