Is or Isn't Talk the Official DMS Discussion Forum?

You mean the definition of the word? Yes, that’s what I was using. I don’t think it’s crazy to want things to be all in the same place like you describe. That would be excellent. However I don’t think it’s a good idea to push for that because it’ll destroy other meaningful communication channels. In other words, a net loss for us, a shotgun blast to our own foot. While it seems pleasant on paper the collateral damage isn’t worth it in my opinion.

Thanks for trying to be helpful and updating the wiki - FYI I was the one that had a conflict with noon and asked the others if they could shift an hour, but you wouldn’t have known that. Thnaks for you efforts!


I certainly agree with that! Again, trying to clarify, this discussion was never intend to quash other communication methods and channels, only to try to discuss and reach a general understand that some things, by their very nature and impact,belong here, on this (somewhat imperfect discussion) forum. :slight_smile:

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Except many of the subjects on Talk are member only.

I’m not paying dues right now due to my exile to the north, but I’ll be back in October, and I’ll need to catch up.

Plus, some of the restricted topics end up cross discussed in unrestricted areas, so it’s kind of confusing to follow sometimes.

But then, it’s not exactly news that I found Talk less than perfect from the very beginning. I thank you for bringing up the subject and hope there can be a comfortable resolution that in fact, informs and includes.

Discord has been great, and a lot does happen there. For instance, some decent discussion out of logistics - which is now a restricted category here.