Is it OK to advertise DMS classes?

No… I’m not thinking of big time, high profile advertising. While telling Jimmy Tanner about my Blynk and Arduino classes, he volunteered to post an announcement in Tanners Electronics if I email him a page. It seems like a good way to spread the word about Makerspace to electronics makers. I’ve also sent email to the Richardson ham radio club, RWK, and brought in a few attendees. Is there any reason not to use these ways to spread the word?

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As long as the class is open to non-members, I think it is a great idea.


Yes! drawing in more members through class participation is a great idea. If you’re expecting a lot of non-members, it might be a good idea to plan out 10-15 minutes after your class to show them around the space.


Its a great idea! I started doing that in my last class. My classes are sometimes on Thursday night. Since the class generally winds down around 8:30, I also suggest official tours.


If you have several non members sign up you need to make sre they
can get in


This is typically and easily done on or through our various FB sites maintained by committees and Meet-Up.

Some have printed flyers and left them at merchants that support us. Again, if externally advertised class should be open to non-members. I’d suggest you also let the PR Chair know so they might help or advise. @Diplomat


Great reference. @Diplomat attended an early Blynk class and made some very useful suggestions that I followed.

Steve - Any specific suggestions here? Does PR committee want to prepare a message and send it to Tanners or is it OK for us to do it individually?

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Without trying to sound like I have a stick anatomically placed.

Please, let me proof whatever you want to post.

All I want is to make sure the who what when where is there. There is a logo. There are some signage tricks too.

I will send it back to you and you can proceed.

Might be worth PR working up a signage template too.


Make sure no tools will be required for the classes. There are limits on what non members can do.

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This is for my microcontroller classes. I furnish all my own supplies.