Wondering if big thunder is back up and running?
Thanks in advance
Wondering if big thunder is back up and running?
Thanks in advance
At the space right now, by the looks of it all 3 thunder lasers are out of commission. @Team_Laser, is this really the case?
There was some issue with the compressed air system yesterday, but that should have been resolved. That would affect all three machines.
All three machines were running last night.
I have no idea why someone decided to take them all down. If anyone know’s why, please provide some more info.
Shop air is working and chiller levels are normal.
Update: looks like individual issues on all of the thunders. Everything looks fine on big thunder and donner now. Blitzen has an issue with the y-axis.
Big Thunder as of 10:35am
Yesterday BT wasn’t communicating. And Donner has really wide cuts that wouldn’t penetrate.
I’m having trouble duplicating the double image. I replaced lenses in Big Thunder and Donner yesterday. Both lenses were very cloudy, but that shouldn’t have caused this. The communications issue is a known problem and I switched to a different port on the computer that seemed to fix things up. The USB ports keep getting really loose from people ripping the cable out accidentally. I’ll try to get a cable taped down and out of the way when we setup the new computers.
I worked with one of our users and ran cuts and engraving on big thunder and we were not seeing ghosting. Where on the bed were you positioning your material?
It could be possible that the lenses that you replaced them with were the wrong focal length, like they sent mislabeled ones. That would explain wide lines.
New and old lens were the same kind and I was seeing sharp lines cut and engraved.
With Big Thunder for the past week or so I’ve noticed that at slower speeds (5 - 10 mm/s) you get the double line. At anything higher you don’t or it’s barely noticeable. That may have been the difference in what OP is seeing and what you saw.