Is an oxygen/propan torch allowed

I found my rig for running an Oxygen/propane torch this is the one
for the small containers of both, Can it be used at the space?
in the Jewelry area against the concrete block wall, I would carry
the OX home when I was thru with it

It is what is reccommended for flame coloring copper and I love the
colors and I would like to work with it so I could teach it

What scale are we talking about?

What are the size of the cylinders?

If it is like the one I have they are the standard propane hand held size cylinders.

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Am guessing it’s a hand held mixing torch like this one:

The canisters are small and purchased at Home Depot for a couple of bucks.

Cool those are fine.

If we are not even allowed to use personal ox-acytelene equipment at the space, that rule ougght to be posted. I have personally witnessed @dallasmagna bring in a small victor style setup to use to heat something in machine shop. Didn’t see anything wrong with that since, it was his personal equipment, and as soon as he was done he took it back out to his car.

Every time this topic has come up, the issue seemed to be with storage, which was allowed if we obtained secure storage outside the building, not with actual use of the equipment.

P.S. Chuck was using a setup with tanks about this size

I love using gas to weld and cut. I have the Lincoln portable rig as well. Is there a problem if I bring mine in to Metal and use it?

My impression it was the storage of compressed flammable gases that was the issue in larger than personal hand-held containers like a propane torch. Especially heavier than air gasses as they can accumulate on the floor and low space. As long as taken out when not in use, it was not a problem.

There was some discussion of whether or not the all the committee small butane, propane, and Mapp gas containers should be stored in Yellow Flammables locker.

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I am talking about the small hand held size,