Hi, I didn’t see any introductory Raspberry Pi classes in the schedule. I didn’t know if some more were going to be posted soon or if there were some people interested in taking some intro classes.
Put some on the calendar for tomorrow – bring your Pi setup and any questions you have…
Hi, can you post the link to the classes that you put up? I’m looking at the events and I don’t see an introductory class.
@cdbjames tomorrow’s Raspberry Pi classes aren’t listed under Raspberry Pi, so clear it from your search criteria and they should show up.
Here’s only a few of the classes listed for tomorrow:
1:00pm Raspberry Pi GPU programming Introduction
4:00pm Raspberry Pi video streaming rig setup (KODI, etc.)
6:00pm My Raspberry Pi can see me with OpenCV (Open Computer Vision on your Pi)
Ok. for the 1:00 pm class “Raspberry Pi GPU programming Introduction”, it looks like it is for people who have already set up a Raspberry Pi. Is this class similar to the “Raspberry Pi Robotics Introduction START HERE” or are they going to be two separate classes. I’ve never set up a Raspberry Pi and I don’t want to show up to the class tomorrow and not be able to do anything.
At the same time if I do bring in a Raspberry Pi tomorrow could I get the introductory class if it possible?
I’m new to Raspberry Pi too. I bought one at Tanners, plus a $30 monitor, $10 for a mouse and keyboard. I watched a couple things on YouTube and was up and running within an hour. If you have a mouse, keyboard and hdmi monitor, you just need to buy the Pi, power supply and recommended ethernet cord.
I bought it mainly to play with it and decide if I want to get it for grandkids…I think I will.
When it is booted up, it looks/feels like a regular Winows computer. I’m taking the classes to see how deep I want to get into it myself (i.e. programming, IoT, data logging, wireless communications- none that I have much experience in).
Looks like we should bring extra memory cards for the programs he’ll have for some classes.
You will need to bring a blank memory card to load the image onto.
Do not forget your monitor, keyboard, mouse, power strip, and other accessories.
I may have posted this in the wrong spot earlier. I am looking for someone to create an electrical schematic of an 18 LED circuit design with a driver, anyone interested please reply, and let me know how much it would cost.