Don’t forget how to naruto run:
Storming a military installation looking for classified information , Huh, what could go wrong with that??
Arrrr, it will be a one & done, matey.
I see someone saw the annual talk like a pirate day post
all they need to do is hand out Job Applications to get them to disperse.
No, YOU go first!
hold my beer…
… annnnnnd, Naruto Run confirmed. Sigh.
It turned into some kind of anime themed MUFON festival. It was worth it for the Newscast Naruto Runner.
So I wonder how many actually came prepared with say um water. All the sudden this raid is a humanitarian mission because 2/3rds forgot water in the Desert. Lol
Some (or all) of those photos are manipulated. There’s no way a camera would capture the helicopter blades completely still like that at night when the tips are traveling at hundreds of miles per hour. That should be posted on r/quityourbullshit.
Nevermind, someone already did.
oh sure … it’s all a conspiracy … next you are going to tell me that the aliens AREN"T reproducing DMS on their home planet … pphhht
But seriously … you are absolutely right … I bet no one even got close to the base nor any military interaction. I tend to believe that the sheriff would be out there though