Interest check: Time Series Analysis

Time series are data which include a time stamp for each observation. Given that everything from your bills to your financial returns to a significant amount of physical, biological and economic data, and so forth are time series, pretty much everyone can benefit from learning how to analyze it.

Have a boss who asks you to making projections? You can impress that boss by doing something other than just bullshitting with averages in microsoft excel to come up with some number for the “projected number of X” next quarter. You might even be able to say something insightful, like the existence of multiple cyclical patterns that are difficult to detect with the human eye alone.

Analyzing and modeling this data is a fairly useful skill and I honestly believe that, while challenging when viewed as a whole, it is one of the more approachable and relatable topics in applied statistics.

Let me know if yall are interested.


I’m interested.

Interested. Long ago I made dashboards for DMS financial data over time. “Should we really buy that tool?”

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