Interest check -- Swarovski Christmas tree earring class

I’m planning on running a class on the Swarovski Christmas tree earrings. The big question here – when?
September? October? November? Would y’all want them to wear, or to give as gifts?

If y all haven t seen these they are lovely and neat to wear and have

Put me down as interested!

No preference for month?

I’m probably one of our more flexible members, so whenever works for me. =)

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This is a fun project. I have made many pairs. Would this be a suitable class for an older child (if accompanied by a parent)?

Absolutely. The kid needs enough coordination and hand strength to twist some medium weight wire. And hopefully a long enough attention span to keep in it.

I would think that a 13-year old could do this, possibly younger.

I’m guessing that as we get closer to the holidays, “make something for Mom” classes would be welcomed.


Does that translate as October, or November? I know that the craft “make gifts” starts cranking up pretty early. But I don’t know how early is too early for us. November might be too late for the crafty maker, as they might have already made something. I think I just talked myself into October…


Not just make something for Mother but for friends also and not just
the younger folks,

I think I need to check my Chinese crystals selection soon