Interest Check: Retro Game Console Modifications

Who broke their Sega during childhood due to plugging in the wrong power adapter? Who’s got an old Nintendo console sitting around lonely because it only has RF outputs in an HDMI-enabled world? Well, it might be time to dust them off and mod them for the modern world!

I’m engaging Dallas Retro Gamers as well to see who wants workshops where we all get together, bring our game consoles, and focus on doing one mod all together hands-on. There are numerous types of mods for all kinds of systems:

  • A/V mods - RF to Composite or Component, or beyond, or potentially cleaning up/enhancing video quality
  • Power mods - better voltage regulation so you can potentially fix a broken game and worry less about the exact adapter you use
  • Sound mods - Maybe you want stereo output?

Lemme know what you want to fix, and we can prolly make it happen!