Dull knives are dangerous - I say this because dull knifes skid off surfaces and then tend to stab or cut unintended things or body parts. ( show scars - trade stories here )
I would like to check interest on a knife sharpening class -
kitchen knives, pockets knives - project knives - even carpet knife blade inserts
Nothing serrated, metal knives only
I hope to teach sharpening by stone and by porcelain rods -
We will start with safety, then some theory, a little metallurgy, and then we’ll sharpen almost, if not all of what you bring with you to class.
This should be about a 45 minute class.
Let me know if you are interested.
By way of qualifications to teach this class - I am a BSA Eagle scout and was the person who kept the knives sharp in Delchamps Food Store butchershop in Baton Rouge, LA for about a year in the early 1980’s
I’m in. I would encourage you to post the class as two hours. In the announcement you could suggest stones and such from economy to $$$ . Lab time would be a lot of fun as we sharpen, test and compare results. Those that want to leave after 45 minutes could do so.
I’d be down to sit and listen while I sharpen. I can never force myself to sit down and touch up the knives and having to sit in one place and be respectful to the teacher would probably be just the thing.
I can lend some time/expertise/tools to the cause, if you need. I’ve got a water-cooled Tormek bench grinder (really best for woodworking tools, though), Arkansas stones, a 250/1000 Japanese water stone, a Worksharp Ken Onion, a kitchen steel, and a set of Spyderco fine stones suitable to touching up serrated knives for those looking to take on a more advanced skillset.
Interested as well, got a good deal on a starter Japanese water stone awhile ago, after many disappointing attempts I packed it in and sold it to a friend.
For a separate discussion, I would like us to invest a good sharpening system for repeatable success. There are several. I should start that thread now.
@StanSimmons - Please add in an event calendar event classification of Hatchers Armory.
First class will be this Sunday August 5th @ 1 PM - Purple classroom.
10 seats open now.
I will bring my stones and my own porcelain rod block and would ask any who have them to bring in theirs as well along with your dull knives.
I’ll put another class on the calendar in the near future - give me some replies on days and times you’d want to see a class - I can do most week nights and weekends, typically.