I’ve already posted in the fiber arts facebook area, but wanted to here as well.
Yesterday I was up in Creative Arts working on my inkle looms and their projects. I had several people request a class from me on learning how to weave with them. In talking with some others, we came up with a good idea. Have a dual class (or 2 part class) on an upcoming Saturday. The first part would be from @dougemes demonstrating how to use the CNC to make inkle looms (he has made me at least 10 for a past class and personal use). At the end of this class, you would walk away with your own inkle loom. Then after a small break I would teach a class on how to use the loom and make your own designs. This way nobody has to worry about their being enough “class looms” at DMS for everyone to use, plus you can take your project home to work on when class is done. Would anyone else be interested in this type of class / project?
I will be coming up this Tuesday to Fiberholic to hang out, and talk with all the awesome fiber people as well. I’ll be bringing 3 of my looms with their current projects. I have previously taught inkle looming for a homeschool group for a semester long class and the projects those kids came up with and completed were amazing.