Inkle Loom class honorarium problems (2016)

In my 2 years as a member, the only reason I even knew what BoD members looked like
was by attending meetings and even then getting names linked to faces was hard

I remember meetings where the Bod members spent most of the time folks were speaking
devoted to looking at their laptops and typing on therm keyboards. To me that was very disrespectful
No wonder folks didnt bother to come to meetings
I was a fairly active member for over 2 years and I cant remember a single conversation with a BoD member

In the summer of 2015, the looms for inkle weaving were ready for classes and yet the board (at time they had to approved classes) were so discontented they did not even bother to approve the classes for using them!
I taught one class while my hubby was in the hospital, I think there was at least 10 students in one and and I think
6 in the other, but both CA and me were robbed of our money due to the disconnect of the the Bod

Sorry for the rant but that is still a sore point with me. Walter and Tapper spent their time designing and making the looms and the result was a poke at them as well,

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If you can lookup the class dates and the number of people that attended you should be to make them add the funds to the committee.

However the BoD does not process honorariums so they are not the correct people to talk to. If you have a written sign-in sheet even better.

What!! I try hard not to respond to your posts too much – and I believe with admirable success – because they are so…you, but this statement was beyond the pale.

I see exactly THREE posts on Talk in 2015 regarding inkle looms, none of which refer to what you are asserting, and THREE hits total on the Wiki, none of which are from BoD meeting minutes. So none of any of them support your wild claim.

In fact, the Talk forum hit that is most relevant, Inkle weaving class--times, is from 2016 and starts with the sentence “We have enough looms for a class now.”

Get a grip, or at least let go of whatever ax you are grinding…admittedly, the exact opposite of “get a grip”.


I appealed to the board and I didnt even get the respect of a response

And you are right it was 2016 Only one board member approved the classes
I took it to the fiance committee and I was told to appeal it and I did that

Now maybe I should have pushed it more at that time, but I lost a lot of my vision for for several months I couldnt figure out how to get talk large enough I could read it My hubby had had several stokes and he had to go to speech therapy

What is surprising is that I didnt leave the space at thst time but
I thought there was a lot of good here in spite of what happened

I did everything I should have done I dont know if I fell thru the cracks in the system of
what, I hope it was just folks being busy outside the space

I was so glad to see the rules change to the honorarium committee

That was more than 3 post about the looms, There was a discussion about selling them
to outsiders I remember

The only reason why I brought it up was the comment about how much better it was in the old days

I know that some folks don t like me, they are the losers in that, someone needs to be willing to tell
the emperor about his new clothes or in this case old one

I don’t know what happened to the classes, and I’m sorry to hear your side makes it sound very un-sunny and that you’re still harboring upset about it (I hear you!), but that was an awesome project!
Got a great writeup, too, on the blog, according to MeilissaRhodes… :wink:


It was I think we need another bunch cut, I hope that Tapper still has the plans for them

What is funny is that I never got one! I would love to see more projects like that

It gave fiber arts a capability that would have cost them hundreds if they had had
to buy looms I think the finished small looms were around $75 each

I am hard to discourage over the long run

That reminds me I need to post some jewelry classes and at least one fired arts class tonight

I’ve moved this to its own topic. Cairenn, if you want to pursue this, should open up something on Issues & Requests.