I ran across a sales rep for Ingersoll cutting tools yesterday. He noted that he had some tooling that he would like to donate and asked what if anything we would be interested in. Anyone mind telling me what is on their wish list?
What is he willing to donate? Also what are the conditions of the donation? I think we could certainly use more styles of lathe insert tool holders. I’ve contemplated a long while about buying my own.
Daggum - some people are soooo picky. Yes please, my wish list is comprised of 1 of each toolings. Anything to help the poor guy out… having to walk around all those piles at home. Can you imagine? I simply won’t allow it. I insist he offload as much as he can to me. A man’s home is his domicile. Should never bring work home.
Ball nose end mills - we have a few but only a couple sizes.
Chamfer mill - we don’t have any
Corner rounding end mill - we don’t have any
Face mill / shell mill - we have one or two but they get heavily used. This one is proactive
For the ones where we don’t have anything, we’d be glad to have whatever he has. Having something that isn’t exactly perfect at least gives us a workaround.
Milling cutters for Sherline mill:
Any small end mills he’d offer up (preferably center-cutting). Shank size 1/4" or smaller.