Please chime in with what you would like to see on the general information page in the works. Things I am hoping to include:
General announcements
Special events such as open house, pot luck dinners etc
Link to the calendar but I’m hoping to have a week at a glance feature.
Volunteer opportunities
List any ideas if you want to have some input. Let me reiterate that this will be an informative page with no opinions on it. Thanks you guys!
On the Home Page a “New Member” link or a link on the FAQ page.
It goes to another page that then has links to specific other areas to get them going without having to wander aimlessly through our wiki, etc. Some of these would actually FAQ’s but but would be a short list.
I would like to understand better WHERE in cyberspace this is planned to occupy. Will the site be revamped? Or one of the top links to this? or…?
Since we’re talking about a publicly viewable, but aimed at members “rolling information site” (I like the phrase “newsletter” to name the concept), I say we need to keep it to roughly those things Kris mentions:
We already have FAQ.
We already email out as well as post front-and-center the New Member 411.
A gallery of “goings on” is great (already kinda been doing that, but it could certainly be better), spotlight on tool/maker sounds good; these are why there is a blog, so have at it! Anyone can write blog articles. Doesn’t belong on this “informational” page, though, in my opinion.
What is available to you as a member is already covered in the wiki, and does not belong on this page at all, in my opinion. A digest page on the wiki, maybe…
Not trying to nitpick but this is one particular case of needing to control scope creep. Otherwise, you’ll end up with the blog, the wiki, talk, and the calendar all being reproduced in one jumbled heap! Might as well call it “makerfriendface”! If you integrate a shitty search, it’d probably even be competitive with you-know-who’s site.
Although this info is in the wiki, it is scattered and you really have to hear about it then scour for more info. I agree that maybe this isn’t the right place for it, but would be nice to have a fairly complete list easily accessible to the new member (probably in the 411?).
I’ll agree that you have to look for it; hence my suggestion of a digest page, perhaps. Nothing is stopping that from happening other than SWIM getting it done.
I would keep it out of the 411. That’s supposed to be a quick “get started” guide for new members. A link to a digest, on the other hand, would slot nicely into the 411.
In my opinion.
Yep, the 3D printers, and the lasers have queues setup. However, you must be on site to remain in the queue. Scheduling implies (and it is what a few have tried in the past) to say, they want to reserve the tool between the hours of X and Y on a certain day. The former is allowed, the latter is not.
A reference to kiln, blacksmithing, possibly some of the tools in Science, and anything else that’s not routinely walk-up available. It’s not the norm, for sure. Perhaps covered by the first bullet and the third.
The kiln is the odd man out (and frankly violates the rules laid out when you were on the board), but my understanding is that blacksmithing and the Science equipment is treated no different then any of our other training required tools. Once trained they are available on a first come, first served basis, and the only reservations possible are those which are based around a class, or other training basis.