Induction Forge testing in Machine shop

May I please test my new induction forge at the Dallas Makerspace? I just need to test that it turns on correctly, but I don’t need to melt anything with it. It uses 208V, so I would need an outlet that can supply that, and I need water from a hose or bucket to fill the cooling system.
The model can be seen here:

@coloneldan and @jbrown885 are the folks who watch over the 'smithworks, I do believe, so tagging them to draw their attention to the request. Also, I think title change to Blacksmith Shop instead of Machine Shop might be in order…

@jbrown885 is the guy who will have to approve this request. I think there are now several 208v lines in the shop, but Joe will have to give you the definitive go ahead.

When would like to meet up I am available tomorrow night or Saturday afternoon and evening

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