Incra router table questions

Does anyone have the specifics for the router used on the incra router table? Rpm settings/range, shank/collet sizes? What bits are typically available?


Cannot speak for RPM and settings, but I do know it accepts both 1/2” and 1/4” shank bits. It’s a default 1/2” collet with a 1/4” adapter which is either behind the fence or in the drawer.

I would also recommend using your own bits, if it all possible. The bits in the shop are typically very dull and can wreck your workpiece in an instant.


I am fairly sure it is a Porter-Cable 7518 (or earlier version/model there-of but with same features/capabilities): PORTER-CABLE 7518 Speedmatic 15 Amp 3-1/4 HP Fixed Base 5-Speed Router, Gray - Power Routers - It may be my knowledge of this is outdate, e.g. if it was busticated and then replaced with something else.

@AlexRhodes, are you willing to confirm or deny?

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The Woodshop wiki lists Mike Dunham @MikeD as the authorized router instructor/tester. May or may not be a current list, but perhaps he can answer …

Mike’s no longer a member. Anyone in or about the Woodshop today can simply take a look and post back, if they are ready, willing, and able.

Wait, does that need a class besides woodshop basics?

I’m sorry. I have no idea. I suspect (but do not know for sure) that it was intended to be a point of contact if people needed router-specific information.

Someone else will have to chime in with details …

I am getting ready to be in the air but I can help you with the router table if you need. I have precisely the same router table at home.

Check the file cabinet, top drawer right next to the door separating warehouse and woodshop, if we’ve got a manual for if that’s where it would be. Hopefully hanging in a folder with router written on it