Incra Router Class

I’m interested in learning to use the INCRA router. I’ve got a decent amount of experience with my bench top router table but would 1) like to make sure I’m using this router properly and 2) learn a bit more about the INCRA system (I’ve watched a bunch of videos but would like to have some in-person education.)

It doesn’t look like there is a class scheduled (nor has been recently.) I took woodshop basics last year but whatever little we did cover about the router table I’ve forgotten.

Any thoughts or direction on how to get up-to-speed on this tool?



Paging @Team_Woodshop

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The committee network drive has the videos.

Access via \files\committee\

There is a stunning lack of you tube vids on this tool. They (wood peckers) are local, near Addison last time I checked. Ask them to come give us a demo/train the trainer session :grin:


…? You mean Incra, right?. They’re just a little north up the highway on west side of I35 between Luna & Beltline. Mike D. went and visited them back in the day when he developed his version of router class and they were happy to show him how to use.

Portal to some videos, if desired: INCRA TOOLS :: Precision Fences :: Router Table Fences. No idea how helpful they are…


The router table video appears to be unplayable (on the Jumpserver, or my local system if downloaded). The others appear to work.
Might just be me…

Being brand new here, I have no idea what (if anything) has happened about this issue since the last post in 12/17, but I wanted to mention that the people at INCRA are extremely nice, very easy to visit with and quite eager to provide any information about their products. I’ve visited their office myself a couple of times just to visit with them about some of their products. In fact, their office is only about 2-3 miles away from the Dallas Makerspace address (at 1605 Crescent Cir #400, Carrollton, TX 75006).

I believe it would be very beneficial for someone at DMS to contact INCRA to explore the extent to which they can assist DMS about INCRA’s products. For example, they might be willing to conduct occasional classes, provide additional training resources, or perhaps even donate other INCRA products (they also make an incredibly accurate fence system for the tablesaw, as well as other router-specific products).

Their technical support guru is Mark Mueller, who can be reached by email at [email protected] or by phone at 1-888-804-6272. I don’t think Mark is based in Dallas, but I nevertheless believe he would be the best initial contact and will put you in touch with the right person for anything he can’t directly address or “make happen” on his own.

BTW - I noticed one poster’s suggestion that INCRA may be the same as “wood peckers”. That’s incorrect. INCRA is a trademarked brand owned by Taylor Design Group, Inc., the Texas corporation that makes almost all of the products sold under the INCRA name. The President of Taylor Design Group, Inc. is Christopher Taylor, the person who originally designed (most or all of) INCRA’s products.

To my knowledge, “Woodpeckers” is an Ohio LLC that is a totally separate company, which makes and sells specialty tools of its own design, and also sells products made by other companies, including some INCRA products.


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well, this happened…

But that doesn’t invalidate your post here…

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The old I table has been decommissioned and will be sold at the makerspace “garage sale” soon. There is a new table installed, and training is covered in woodshop 3.

Any idea the date of the “garage” sale? I just sold a 16/32 sander in my shop and the empty space needs to be filled with another tool I will seldom use. LOL

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