“During a closed-door and off-the-record meeting last week, top Facebook executive Campbell Brown reportedly warned news publishers that refusal to cooperate with the tech behemoth’s efforts to ‘revitalize journalism’ will leave media outlets dying ‘like in a hospice.’”
“We desperately need to develop alternative delivery mechanisms to Facebook.”
—Judd Legum, ThinkProgress
There is nothing of real substance here, it is just a you need to fear facebook smear. I’m not a big fan of facebook as I try to use it as little as possible. But, instead of jumping on a BS band wagon, lets push for better journalism than this trash.
Wow, I got to it through your article by following the link to the twitter post and then following a link from twitter to the article. It is surprising how some paths lead to a pay wall and others don’t.
In the past I would get tired when people would post responses based solely on the mis-leading headlines of an article without even reading the article. Now journalism has gotten so bad that news outlets are effectively just re-posting the misleading head lines and when you try to read the article you only get the first paragraph of the original article. This just isn’t journalism and treating it as such only bolsters that BS.