In need of a turner who would like a paid project

I have customer for a furniture/woodworking project who has sixty (60) 8"x40" Italian Cypress logs that need to be turned into as yet undefined diameter columns. Probably simple cylinders, but again not firmly determined. Timing can be a bit flexible, but within the next few weeks. I would deliver to you at DMS to meet your schedule.

If interested, PM me with how you would propose to handle and charge.
Bert Rabbe

@Nate ?

plus 10 more

Dude I turn small things and have no experience with turning the same thing numerous times. I am not the guy for this unfortunately

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If you don’t get any takers here (and please, vet/voir dire any that say they can handle this), try reaching out to Dallas Area Woodturners. They send out emails like to their members, among which are many professionals and longtime turners, on a fairly regular basis.


Same applies to the Golden Triangle Woodturners. You can contact me if you want to reach out to them.


Can the lathes at DMS handle something 40" long?

Excellent point! The Powermatic is 35" between centers and the OneWay is 36".

I can do that for 1 million dollars (payable up front) to be finished sometime in the next 6-10 years.


Seems greedy to me. Maybe just for the cost of a new lathe that can turn 40" between centers?

So that’s why your dog has that odd look on his face!

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I actually thought we had an extension for the One Way.


Checking with customer to see if 40" is a requirement versus just what happens to exist.

The extension gets it to 36" I think

This is what I thought we owned. I know I’ve seen someone in the past turning a much longer object than 36 inches. 60" Bed Extension

If the 40" can be cut down to fit on the DMS lathes, PM and I’ll do the job

I was also told we had a 60" bed extender.

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We did have an extension for the one-way. I turned a shaft a while back, I think the shaft was 42" long? I don’t remember the extension being long enough to turn something 60" long.

any idea where the extension is?

It used to just sit on the floor by the one-way. No idea where now.

The bed on the oneway is 37". The extension is currently behind it. It is 17". Total length is then 54", minus the length of the mounting options (live centers, spur drivers, faceplate, whatever).