I have customer for a furniture/woodworking project who has sixty (60) 8"x40" Italian Cypress logs that need to be turned into as yet undefined diameter columns. Probably simple cylinders, but again not firmly determined. Timing can be a bit flexible, but within the next few weeks. I would deliver to you at DMS to meet your schedule.
If interested, PM me with how you would propose to handle and charge.
Bert Rabbe
If you don’t get any takers here (and please, vet/voir dire any that say they can handle this), try reaching out to Dallas Area Woodturners. They send out emails like to their members, among which are many professionals and longtime turners, on a fairly regular basis.
We did have an extension for the one-way. I turned a shaft a while back, I think the shaft was 42" long? I don’t remember the extension being long enough to turn something 60" long.
The bed on the oneway is 37". The extension is currently behind it. It is 17". Total length is then 54", minus the length of the mounting options (live centers, spur drivers, faceplate, whatever).