One of the first big goals of the Logistics (recently split from Ops) committee has been to start improving the lighting around the space by replacing all of the old / broken fluorescent lights. Lots of people have been helping replace Room 1 and hallways and we just replaced all the lights over Auto in the workshop with 5000 k bulbs. If anyone else would like to help swap out more bulbs just find Allen
Hard to tell the difference with just a camera pic, but the left side here is all new bulbs and the right side is the existing lights, you can see the floor looks brighter. (still need to replace a few ballasts and replace two entire fixtures)
Rhett and I tackled the hallways and room one. @Brandon_Green that picture is great. Really shows how one side of the shop can look new while the other looks old. Surprising the difference of 900K, if you want to look irradiated take a picture in the metal shop.
Thanks Rhett, Allen, Michael, Brandon and everyone else that helped.