I switched to calendar view on the events calendar. It’s incredible the sheer number of classes scheduled this month, especially on the weekends. Good on us!!
If this keeps up it will be difficult to find classroom space on the weekends! (what a terrible position to be in, right?)
Yes, it is incredible! I am really looking forward to having eight classrooms with the expansion. Scheduling a class in much less than three weeks is a real problem.
I wish we could have given @Team_Infrastructure the Conference room as their own space. But it is still too important as a classroom. This will soon be remedied with the expansion.
I saw that and had the same thought, its an excellent problem.
Slightly on topic, post expansion, will the woodshop be possibly split into 2 areas? One for the lathes, and one for the other area? or maybe 3 if you make the CNC its own spot as well. I ask because I tend to feel bad that I have tied up the whole shop for other potential classes when I am teaching a lathe class in the corner.
I attended the Woodshop Committee meeting when the proposed layout was revealed. The shop is not physically partitioned, but the lathes are along the shared wall with the Interactive Classroom while the MultiCAM is in the northwest corner and the table saw(s) are in the northeast corner. It should be big and separated enough to hold the three classes at the same time.
I saw it as well and the layout made sense. I was thinking since the classrooms can be setup in the system however we want to code it, then maybe we should consider breaking it up. Just thinking out loud here.
Still in flux as to exact location, but the general agreement is not to have them laid out parallel to any wall. Takes up way too much space, doesn’t allow very good access to ends of machines, safety, etc…