With a little prodding, I’ve agreed for run for chair of the machine shop committee.
I’ve held the post before, and now that I’ve got my life back (meaning I’m no longer working nights), I’m getting involved in DMS again. That being said, I will be helping where I can with the expansion and in setting up the plastics group. I will have the time to be present for activities that require the attention of the chair during the upcoming move as well as teaching, being available for tour nights and open house. I’d appreciate your support. cheers!
Didn’t quite see that coming. I figured you were out giving the last hash out.
yeah, got over my tantrum. several good people talked me off the ledge.
getting to see 102 up close really got me jazzed.
The job of moving a committee such as Machine Shop will be an immense amount of work. Hopefully those who git 'r done will have the satisfaction of setting up a major portion of DMS for years to come.
When we moved from Ladybird to Monetary, I know seeing all that empty warehouse was daunting. But that was when the best skills from our membership stepped up and pulled it off.
That move was interesting/amazing. Everything (except Haas and air compressor) moved by members/volunteers in 3 days. “If it needs to go to new location, get it on the rental truck. We’ll sort it all out later.” was the moving “plan”.
I think it will pretty much work that way only now it will be “pile it on the cart and roll it next door. We’ll sort it out later”
I have to disagree there. I feel we, Machine Shop, have it as an advantage. I feel we have a large majority of our items contained. The riggers will be able to move it rather quickly in my opinion. We do have the bolt bins & misc materials that maybe the only piling we have to do. We will still have the crate(hopefully) from dynatorch that we can put said items in to help move.
My “plan” for moving the ELab…
Yes of course we’ve got our stuff well contained. I did not mean that seriously other than I can seriously see @artg_dms doing it that way
Have you considered a flame-thrower for your move plan?
Front or back prkng lot?
It will certainly require some large shovels to clean it all out
Fred’s WoW versu ELab WoW.
Have ways to go to meet the benchmark.
There will be some pile in a truck The storage units where committee stuff is mixed up and some blocking other items