There are so many people that want woodshop basics right now. I set aside some of my personal project time to teach the safety class so new people can get ramped up and using the tools.
However, 2 of the past 3 classes I have taught someone signed up for one of the 3 attendee slots and no-showed. Not only does this waste a slot that is pretty scarce right now it hoses the teacher because there needs to be 3 attendees to get the honorarium for teaching.
Don’t be lame, if you can’t make it reach out to the teacher or post on talk. Someone will fill that slot chop chop fast.
During this time of pandemic where classes need to stay small, I’m all for requiring a refundable payment to sign up for a class. You show up, you get the money back. It’s not fair to the teacher if they can’t get paid because 1 selfish person decides to not show up. That happened in the pottery class I took a couple weeks ago. Only 2 of the 3 of us showed up. I felt bad for the teacher because now she wouldn’t get an honorarium.
That was probably me . I had some shelves collapse on me that day and had a pretty nasty cut on my forehead requiring stitches. I reached out to Amanda afterward, but completely forgot in the moment. I’m sure there are times that people don’t show for no reason at all, though.