If you need help in Lewisville/Denton

A group of teachers put this list together before we were out on spring break to distribute to the students. It is largely centered around Lewisville but it includes some (but not all) resources - I add to it daily as people send me info.

Eventually I’m going to get it all up on a better/easier to read website. But for now, it’s this…a simple messy list of food banks, hot lunches, emergency assistance, shelters, and clinics in and around the Lewisville area.

Please share this list as you see fit and let me know of any resources that you know of in and around Lewisville that I can add to the list.

Map to places in Lewisville (linked on the excel sheet) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sPHealU6iAXCNhXiDsew_GaOfUO7lh1j&usp=sharing


What a wonderful thing to do and a wonderful resource for your community. It’s very positive and I hope it helps someone who may be panicky because they need help.

If ‘Ask Aunt Bertha’ is not on your list, and if this online resource can help folks in your area, you might want to consider adding it. I may not have the website name absolutely correct.

I enjoy all your DMS posts.


Thank you!

I’ve just spent a few minutes poking around Ask Aunt Bertha Website for resources Searchable website - lots and lots of resources https://www.auntbertha.com
I highly recommend everyone taking a minute to peruse this website - tons of resources for a variety of different needs. Worth looking at - substance recovery programs, assistance with adoptions, meals on wheels, ect…