Dear whomever used the tool before me - and perhaps education for everyone, a clog in the jointer will show as wood chips shooting out of the cutter area. She was REALLY clogged, I suspect she had been clogged for the whole previous job, I had to really get up in there, pulled out like 2 cubic feet of chips.
Thank you for posting this. To further point out to everyone, at the first sign of a clog, you can typically turn the machine off, then used the compressed air to blow the chips out. Shoot the air down next to the blades. If this doesn’t work the access door that Evan shows in his picture is just held on by hand tight screws, you don’t even need a tool to take it off.
As always, make sure you are not plugged in when working inside of any of our power tools that can cause harm.
Dude, some people just don’t care. No amount of inspiration will ever change that. They slog through life not giving a damn about anything but themselves. Just a fact. And we’re big enough that we have a lot of them now.