I have two empty buckets in ceramics that need to be filled with slip, for the open house projects. Slip casting, and Halloween bisque/glazing demos in wet gallery once done.
wait, are we out of slip? I’m teaching classes Sunday.
This is for an open house idea, not the teachers slip.
We are trying to slip cast small Halloween
items that ppl could glaze and come back for another time.
ok cool, thanks or clarifying!
Johnny what is the timing for this event? Spending has been on hold for a while, however this event will bring in members in my opinion. I can get to trinity next week but would like to confirm timing so we can get spending approvals.
Slip is $8ish per bucket with a bucket.
Don’t need approval for <$50 afaik
Events will be ready to run as soon as we can get some slip and bisque pieces done.
@Julie-Harris will be lending us some small Halloween molds.
I’ll pay for the slip myself if that helps
It’s $8 per gallon, $7.75 if 5+.
So the 2 gallon buckets we have are $16 and the 5 gallons are $38.75
I’ll be happy to contribute with Julie to pay for slip, to promote slip casting in the ceramic dept.
Slip me $8 sometime
Johnny, if it can wait till next week. I’ll be happy to pick this up.
Text me if you need anything special in the mix.
I would be happy to go to Trinity next week, Monday, as I mentioned. @meanbaby, if you are going and I don’t need to, just let me know so I don’t load the buckets into my car when I’m there on Saturday.
Yes, I will be making a trip for my self so I can pick this up.
Johnny are you needed 2 or 5 gallons for your event?
I have 2 in my car if you need this ASAP
1 would work just fine for now. Found some new butterflies from storage too.
The buckets are $7.50 if u don’t have one. Why I offered mine to help.
I am bring him a bucket tomorrow for his event. I will not need the DMS buckets.
Thank you