Whadda ya think of this idea?
(Once 3D figures out who’s chair)
Ps bleeping out the b as a tribute to Walter
We work to try to get as many chairs & cochairs to show up in one spot at one time and we have a casual say an hour or so Meetup/hang out, meet everyone for a bit
And we switch to a bit more structured Q&A session or possibly open panel or round table discussion about the committees/expansion/what that means/what we need/ dont-touch-me snuggle fest. This will: help increase communication/promote the given committees/get answers to members questions as a group/our names to faces/be an opportunity for beer snobs to really show off/be an opportunity for everyone to talk about big ideas and big plans together.
This would be a very good way for people to get to know people. Get questions answered. Get ideas shared & Get dance moves perfected.
Kinda like a meeting lead by members except it’s just a round table open discussion format. First one would be a trial and error but something that we might want to consider doing quarterly.
Sounds cool to me,
Would love to meet all the new committee heads and put faces to talk names. Plus, now that I’m on muscle relaxers for my neck, beer goes way further than it used to.
I know printmaking said no dice but what is everyone thinking about October 20th (Saturday)? Later and it get muddled for me pretty quickly with family and holiday overlapping fun.
We have 10 votes in majority Saturday so I’m thinking it might be the day it could work best. Although I know nothing works best for everyone.