Idea for members exchange shelf (freebie shelf)

How about one of these?

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Project storage might could use that!

This one might fit.


Yes, at one point I put two boxes of receipt printer paper on the shelf and then 5 minutes later they were gone. Which was annoying because one of the rolls had fallen out and I had gone to reunite it with the others. I put that single roll on the shelf and it was gone 30 minutes later when I walked by.

Just got done with a deep clean of my office and I have a couple boxes of things that I no longer need but arenā€™t worth me taking the time to list for sale. So to the freebie shelf theyā€™d go. Things like receipt printers, laminators, tablets, old laptops and even more receipt printer paper. Iā€™d be lucky to get $10 for any given item if I tried to list them on Craigslist but with a freebie shelf theyā€™d get redistributed quickly. I mention these items to gauge the size of items that generally would get left on a freebie shelf.

-the purring dork

High tech solutions, I am thinking more low tech and fairly cheap
to make

Depending on what they are, we might be able to use one or more of those for replacing Brandonā€™s storage system. Can you PM me the model info on them?

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Great idea, Stan nlhwoirhohu

This is my thoughts at this time

The shelf should not be more than 24 in deep
Length to be 6 ft of less

The bottom two shelves will have bins or a cross
between a bin and a drawer , The one on the bottom shelf
will be larger ones for things like fabric and such,
The ones on the second from the floor shelf will be smaller
and for things like cords cords and cables, quality wood off cuts,
paper /office goods these will be easy to look in

The third shelf up with be near waist level I need input on
how far it can be to the next shelf. The 2 upper shelves will
be for light weight things like packing peanuts

There may well be a red zone at the end of the open shelves
for things that are about to be removed,

The idea is make it easy to check and to keep neat and to discourage
folks from placing truly useless stuff there
It is likely that we may start with plastic bins so we
dont need as much help in making it

It will be checked daily or every other day, and I intend to post
my name and contact info so that if anything needs my attention
I can be easily contacted

not taking it wrong re the cameras - the reasons are sound - but, if as you say there have been a LOT of requests for more cameras - sounds like itā€™s time to add the gearā€¦

Iā€™ve got the Blue Iris camera software licenses ordered and installed, Iā€™m working with various code contributors and admins to make sure moving cameras from one server to another doesnā€™t break things. The cameras should be more stable soon, and only then we can look at adding other cameras.


I wanted to post this tonight since I will most likel not be back on line
until after the meeting on Sun,

Brandon said that he thought the old shelf was 6ft lone and 3 ft deep
The new bulk supply shelf is 6 ft by 3 ft deep,

The space between the dock door and the pipe next to the door
is 6 ft, If the new bulk storage was turned at a right angle to the
wall, the old freebie shelf could be placed back to bask with it
facing the walkway by the lasers,

I will not be able to check the shelf spacing and such on the old
gondola shelf until sometime next week I understand that it is in
one of the off site storage units, Getting those dimensions might
be a good idea if placement of the new freebie shelf will be discussed

I will be at the space on Tues night for the weaving class and most likely
at least one other night, not sure when