I have an idea. It might have been thought of before. Where can I find these people that are interested in it?
That is the question that this Project Board will answer. I think it would be great to be able to see what projects are happening in the various committees for the space, who is involved and more about them. It would be great to keep projects moving as well. I think too many projects get left in the corner and never thought of again. Perhaps, it could be a talk plugin or a wiki plugin? I’m not certain how would be best. This could be something a Hackathon could tackle.
We had a “help line” which was a way of asking for help. Unfortunately it was mostly ineffective as it was all analog little 1/4 sheets of paper. They did not get updated or removed very well.
Having the “help line” become digital would move that project forward.
AND having it generate notice for projects internal to DMS (your idea Draco) would be amazing!
What about some sort of calendar <-> talk integration. A way for people to leave notes / documents, pictures and chat with others about the event/class?
Here is a discourse plugin that might be able to made to work.