I’m thinking about getting one of these

Anybody have any thoughts on these. I like the portability and am seriously considering picking a pair of these up.

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I’d suggest doing a search on the Garage Journal and reading the first hand actual users’ experiences.

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I have a portable version of a scissor lift like the one is the pic below. Uses standard household power, lifts 7k pounds and is perfect for me. no holes to drill.

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That’s another option and they are actually very easy to build. They don’t give you the under the car space as a 2 or 4 post though. But good for some jobs.

No one uses a 4 post lift for under car work unless you go to a muffler shop
In home garage they are only used for storage
If I was going to buy a another lift-I’d still buy a scissor lift but something like a Nussbaum of its counterfeit made by BendPak
They offer over 6ft of lift and about 30" between the pads under the car. They also have no posts to clear on entry and exit.

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I hear good things about jacks similar to @TLAR’s, but as bad as my back and knees are, I’m not about to spend that kind of money on a solution that still involves getting down on the ground personally.

Anyone have any experience with this kind of lift? https://www.eagleequip.com/product/MobileMan.html

I’m skeptical of the design, but I wonder if it would be suitable for my sub-3klb niptrash sport coupes. I mean, metal is strong right?

I have a QuickJack system and love it. Gives you center access. Good price.


I’ve used the quickjack before and the scissor types. They work great. The quickjack is good for a back roller to get underneath.

What I like about the MaxJack is that you can use a butt roller to move underneath. Plus once the anchors are set, the posts can be moved out of the way. I’m really leaning towards this 2 post…

Funny, I use one all the time, but mainly because I have access to one. It is really nice as you can stand under the car, but the 4 posts are a little awkward at times. In the right space, they are great and feel really safe.


You might want to drill an exploratory anchor hole in your garage or where you plan to use it 0 just to be safe and sure the concrete is thick enough…

I’ve used 4 post lifts too - not the easiest to use if doing anything other than directly under the center line of the car, but great for oil changes.
I wouldn’t want one as the sole lift at the Space or a home or home shop - my preference.

All properly installed lifts are only as safe as the operator - even an idiot can make a 4 post lift ruin a perfectly good day. Before I retired - I was at a “do it yourself garage” on an air force base (16 bays of room), and a young airman did the usual internet bolt on “go fast” mods to his new Veloster - then when reversing off the 4 post lift he let one front wheel drop in between the treadways and the opposite corner drop outside the treadways…that was entertaining to carefully jack up the car with as little damage to his “skirts” etc as possible.

I prefer a lift that gives clear easy access to the wheels vs the exhaust.

If you do opt for it and it sounds like you will - I’d like to see it in action, if you don’t mind.


If I go this route, I’ll keep you updated on progress.


It’s got rollers on it. Moves easily. :grinning:


I think you mean to say “easier”

Owen, after watching the video - I cannot imagine anyone moving those columsns more than twice after install - If you do go for it - I’d mount one column as close to a wall as possible - that way you just move the one in the “way” & leave one stationary.

I have fluid dripless quick connects on my current home based lift.

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Big thank you to @LukeStrickland tonight. He was testing his coolant system for any gas leakage in the coolant. He showed me how to use it. This is great because my car is overheating and this will tell me whether or not is has blown head gasket.

As usual one-on-mentoring is probably where the vast majority of learning takes place at the space. Short focused “Here let me help or show you how to do this.” or “Oh, the tool you need should be over here” Lots of help also occurs here on Talk. I’ll be the first to say Talk can be less than terrific, but you can ask, learn, hear differing opinions, get links, etc But lots of inspiration from projects made.

Thanks to all the folks that make this a wonderful place to learn and make! The collective hive knowledge is unbelievable an folks willing to share. What a treasure we share!

Nicole asked what we’d each wish for in another thread:

  • The Makerspace continue to thrive
  • It’s OK to disagree no personal attacks - passion is fine, but civil.
  • Everyone try be a mentor - for the Noobs, don’t be afraid to ask, the vast vast majority will help or get you to someone that will. (It also lets us pass on our knowledge and feel good about ourselves … not the humblest statement, but true).