I am visiting from Kansas can I be someones guest?

I am trying to learn as much as I can about a Makerspace while I am in town and I was wondering if I could be someone’s guest tomorrow (memorial day) if that is alright? I am not sure if the space is even open tomorrow or if it is allowed for someone from out of town to enter but if I can I’d like to see the makerspace here in Dallas.


What time could you be around the space? It’s 24/365, but it doesn’t have any staff. It would basically boil down to who could volunteer and be available to show you around.

I happen to live right down the road, so depending on the time I’d be willing to show you around.
You’d have to sign a waver when you show up (it’s a standard shop waiver, basically you know it’s an active workshop and things happen in workshops). I’m assuming you’re at least 18 for that part.



Only certification classes on Memorial Day. Darn. Nothing for non-members to dip their toes in. Rotten luck.


My flight leaves around 7pm so any time before 4? I will be up by 10 am. I’d be happy to sign any waiver. Just have always been fascinated with maker culture but haven’t had the oppurtunity to participate.

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I’ll be down there tomorrow but will need to spend most of the time working on my project. I’d be happy to give you the “standard tour,” which is an overview of each area of the space. About half an hour. I’m not sure how much culture you’re going to see on holiday. It might be nothing or could be a lot. It’s an amazing space and the envy of most other organizations.


I’ll gladly take what I can get. I don’t know when you’ll be there but if anyone can give a timeframe after 10 am and before 4pm I will meet them there.

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whelp, I got sucked into meetings on memorial day. I’ll be checking back here as I can but if someone else is available that would be easiest.

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I am one of the Tour Guides.

I can be there at 3pm. An individual tour lasts about 45 minutes.




Sweet I’ll be there at 3 thank you so much!!!



Thank you for those of you who volunteered to show me around and to those of you I met on my tour. You people are awesome and I’m so glad you all exist.

Thank you Diplomat for your time and the amazing tour you gave on Monday. You gave me a million things to think about and I appreciate you volunteering your time for me.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!


Good luck to you in Hays, Kansas.

I like your idea.

Let us know how we can help.

Best of luck to you.

Hays? I missed my chance to talk to someone who might not have given a blank look when I said where I went to high school.

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You went to high school in Hays? I graduated from Hutchinson High school.

Russell Ward

No, I went to high school in Otis. I get to play the game of “Have you heard of this town? How about this other one?” until I get to, say, Wichita. Hays is at least within 50 miles of Otis, even though it’s a flyspeck.

Have lived in Yates Center, Wichita, and Topeka. How does YC compare with Otis in terms of size? YC was bigger when I lived there (1958-59, pop in 1960 was 2,080 and now just over 1,300)

Russel - straight east of Hays.

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Oh, an urbanite!..

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Bob Hope did a show at the Kansas State Fair where he said “Welcome to Hutchinson - gate way to Yoder.” Yoder was probably smaller than Otis. Not that I am trying to say mine is smaller than yours.:grinning:

P.S. any real Kansan knows the Kansas State Fair is in Hutchinson.


City Slicker bound for urbania.

Well, according to Wikipedia the last census had Otis at 282 residents, so a few more than Yoder still, but less to recommend it.

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