Hyundai Sonata noise and wiggle resolved

Last Monday ? I met a maker to help with a rear suspension issue on her car.

This was a show and learn - She wanted to do the work to her car.
The main issue was a worn out bushing in the rear suspension upright (this part is what the multi link rear suspension attaches to, and houses the bearing, hub and brake assembly.

The upright was about $450 and a lot of labour at a “retail repair shop or dealer” This repair would have been in the $2500 range.
The bushings ended up being less than $6 each - we had to fabricate a tool to press the bushings in and out.
The left rear shock was leaking so we replaced those as well - rear shocks at a local reputable shop would have been about $ 500 to $700
Total price for this repair was $292 including tax for OEM parts (made in Japan shocks and make in Korea bushings)
The $292 included two front shocks to be installed at a future time.
here are a couple of pics:


And just just saved enough money to pay 3.5 years of member dues!

See how wonderfully her safety glasses are protecting her hair.:wink:


To be fair - when we were using the tools to remove the bushing and the install them and the related components she had the safety glasses over her eyes.

This view was one that did not merit wearing them for a better look at a part.


I have no doubt you’d have insisted on that … you’ve got a good enough safety attitude to be a machine shop committee member!

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@TLAR is going to be Machine Shop Committee Chairperson!! Hooray!! Way to go, Tom!

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I insist on Safety first.

With the new tool box I will also request personal responsibility with keeping the tools in it clean and organised. (see “being excellent” if in doubt)

Unfortunately we have too many people that like to use tools and not put them back or put them back filthy, so photos from the cameras will help weed out and remove those that are clearly not being excellent.

P.S. A new camera will be mounted above the new tool box soon.


I’m not particularly familiar with this area and it’s layout, so this comment may be unnecessary.

Something I learned in a class I took once was; if you want somebody to do something, make it easy for them to do it. In this case, I think that would mean putting towels, degreaser, trash can, and whatever else is needed to clean the tools next to the tool box. If someone has go looking for this stuff, they are less likely to be excellent.

Of course, nothing will get some people to clean up after themselves short of waterboarding (and maybe not even that).

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Unfortunately we don’t have water in the workshop so this isn’t an option.

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Buckets are readily available along w/ tables.:fearful: