HSM Tool Library Question

I was trying to add a tool library in Inventor/HSM on the jump server (I can’t get Fusion360 to open in the jump server).

I tried doing a new library under My Library, then import from a library file.

I got the file from the wiki: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B_oJbFh0ODyfbDZ5R3JiX0F6RUU?usp=sharing

The program won’t recognize the .tool file extension. When I switch to all files on the import window, it gives an error trying to import it.

What am I doing wrong? Any advice?

Just so everyone knows, I was able to add this tool library like normal in Fusion 360. Maybe just an Inventor issue?

Thanks for the update! These are things that may be helpful when the new classes to use the HAAS are being put together.

BTW ~ Fusion 360 does not work on the JUMP server. It’s a known issue, with no known “fix”.


Thank you for bringing up this point… I will look into the issues with importing into Inventor and also SolidWorks as I have all three. It might be that I need to export the tool crib directly from HSMWorks for it to not be an issue with any of these.

Thank you, I will get an update to the link in the Wiki by Wednesday of this week.