Your recommendation is stupid and you’re stupid for having it
flame flame
- multi-point
- tabulated
- rambling
- that proves you completely wrong
awaiting ban hammer because OP is lame, and DMS leadership is worse. Sure I’ll be descriminated against shortly because everyone hates me even though I’m always right.
flame flame
- low
- effort attempt
- at another list
ramble, drop mic, restate.
Edit: report all you like, I’m still right.
I just snorted coffee onto my keyboard.
I call it my format for success.
Long winded response that states the same point over and over with very little actual substance, seemingly agreeing with another poster but choosing to explain why their view is just different enough to be technically different, all while using big enough words to quality it for a post on /r/iamverysmart.
Totally off topic question about how to use a talk function and complaint about community flags.
Links to threads from years ago. Comment about how things used to be.
The board sucks. ™
Oh ya? Tin foil hat conspiracy and vague bits of google.
Blockquote from random source, no citation or explanation
Snarky off handed comment here to try and derail the whole thread
Really long rambling post that has a lot of factually accurate information intertwined with random musings. It could be helpful if it weren’t 18 paragraphs long and formatted for Time magazine rather than the short attention spanned internet generation.
Really long rambling post that has a lot of factually accurate information intertwined with random musings. It could be helpful if it weren’t 18 paragraphs long and formatted for Time magazine rather than the short attention spanned internet generation.
Really long rambling post that has a lot of factually accurate information intertwined with random musings. It could be helpful if it weren’t 18 paragraphs long and formatted for Time magazine rather than the short attention spanned internet generation.
Really long rambling post that has a lot of factually accurate information intertwined with random musings. It could be helpful if it weren’t 18 paragraphs long and formatted for Time magazine rather than the short attention spanned internet generation.
Really long rambling post that has a lot of factually accurate information intertwined with random musings. It could be helpful if it weren’t 18 paragraphs long and formatted for Time magazine rather than the short attention spanned internet generation.
Really long rambling post that has a lot of factually accurate information intertwined with random musings. It could be helpful if it weren’t 18 paragraphs long and formatted for Time magazine rather than the short attention spanned internet generation.
Really long rambling post that has a lot of factually accurate information intertwined with random musings. It could be helpful if it weren’t 18 paragraphs long and formatted for Time magazine rather than the short attention spanned internet generation.
Really long rambling post that has a lot of factually accurate information intertwined with random musings. It could be helpful if it weren’t 18 paragraphs long and formatted for Time magazine rather than the short attention spanned internet generation.
Really long rambling post that has a lot of factually accurate information intertwined with random musings. It could be helpful if it weren’t 18 paragraphs long and formatted for Time magazine rather than the short attention spanned internet generation.
storms off crying
When was the last time you were even at the space, bro?
Reminder: There is a rule against these type of threads and I think it is against our insurance
Section Ridiculous Claims
- There shall be henceforth no irreverent comments pertaining to the seriousness of open discussion upon the discussion forum otherwise known as “Talk” or other means of communications between members in good members in good standing. See “bad students” subsection 43
Random gif making obscure point