So I made my first trip to the Space and successfully utilized the photography equipment. HURRAH!
Now, I wanted to use the flat bed scanner and I don’t know how to log onto the computer to utilize the scanner. Halp.
Also, how does one obtain the WiFi password for members?
Thanks in advance
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I can help with this one, it’s on the side of the fridge (and other common areas like the conference rooms) and currently it’s the same one as the guest. The older members wifi that used your creds to login hasn’t worked for me in a while.
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I’m not sure whether it is actually plugged into the computer on the desktop next to it or not…
If you have your own laptop, you could probably just roll the cart with the flatbed scanner out to the bowling table in the main CA area, plug yourself in, download the driver, and go to town.
If it is connected to the desktop computer, as far as I know, you just log in with your DMS member id (not your talk id - the one attached to your account.) Be forewarned it may take a LONGGGGGG time for your account to be created. I thought the stupid computer had locked up on me, but after about 45 minutes, it finally recognized me.)
Since that is now a BRAND NEW desktop, I will tag @jast In case he has some special login tips that are ACCURATE vs. the “judy shooting in the dark” method(s) described above.