I have a question about getting some pieces fired.
I’ve got a set of 45-ish hand built donut shapes, intended to be loom weights on a reconstruction of a viking-era loom. Like this:
They’re out of Trinity white stoneware, they’ve been wedged to the best of my ability, are completely dry and hopefully ready to be fired. They won’t be glazed, in order to maintain the rustic/authentic look.
What’s the best way to go about getting these in a kiln? I didn’t want to come just drop a big box of them off and take up all the space on the shelves. I also know that community firings take precedence, and I’m definitely not trying to cut in line for getting them fired. Also, I know next to nothing about ceramics and am not sure how the firing process differs for pieces not intended to be glazed.
Any help would be appreciated!
Should be able to go through quicker if you can stack 5 or so at a time.
First Bisque fire, then glaze fire the same way.
If you wanted to, could just pick up after Bisque firing, but wouldn’t be as sturdy.
So bringing them up and putting them on the shelves to be bisque fired, then waiting and moving them over to the glaze firing shelves is still the best way to go about getting them done?
I just didn’t want to take up all the shelf space.
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Yes, unless the shelves are full.
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Okay, thanks. I appreciate it!
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Can they be left in the box with a note on them?
Of course - what info would you like on the note?
Asking this question more because I want to learn than offering advice. If these are solid chunks of clay would it not be better to fire them all together that way if one does explode no one else’s work will be affected?
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How thick are pieces? How long have they been drying? You are members, correct? If not, Trinity Ceramics does firings. And it is just a small fee.
They were shaped in early April. The pieces are fairly consistently about 5" round, between 1/2" and 3/4" thick.
I am a member. I’d love to get them fired at the space if possible, trying to keep my costs down where I can. Trinity is an option if this just isn’t something that’s allowed at the space.
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Then since you have a lot, put them in a box on the bottom of to be bisqued shelf and place a note to fire as many at a time as possible? Please dont expect them all to go in at once as we are in the holiday season now and everyone is creating so the team is doing their best at getting everything in✌🏻 @Team_CeramicsFire
Of course. I’m in no huge rush, just wanted to get them in the queue in the least disruptive way. I appreciate the help!