How To: Get trained on the laser(s)

Hi @Natasha_Cooks (and anyone wanting to be trained on the Laser(s)) :smile:

Most members wait for a training class (typically they have been being held every other Wednesday; but, that may change come June… Keep your eyes on TALK for any changes along those lines… :wink: )

However, anyone who is currently an active Dallas Makerspace member that is listed as a Laser Trainer can opt to hold a one-one training session - if they have the time to do so.

Here’s a link to the list… Please Note: The list needs to be updated (some listed are not currently active members… .then again, because of that - you are not likely to just randomly run into them at the 'Space either… :wink: )

Keep in mind that the Laser Training only covers Safety and very basic operation. It does not really go into detail on how to convert your files to a format that the laser(s) use, etc… For something like that, you would probably be best off asking someone who uses it a lot, if they are familiar with converting “x” format into something the laser software can use, etc… :smile:

I hope that helps!


Continuing the discussion from Full Spectrum Laser Is Down (PSU Issues):