How much interest in RFID wrist bands for $2?

How many members would be interested in getting an RFID wristband to replace your key fob or card? If there is enough interest to warrant it, I can order 50 of them and get the price down to where we can let members have them for $2 each… maybe less.

Red Wrist Bands


I can see the advantage of not having to hold it to pass through various doors by simply swiping your wrist. I personally won’t switch to them ~ only because I would probably forget to bring it! haha! Members who opt to get one will want to keep safety in mind as well, since it is dangerous to wear stuff on your arms when operating some tools. Oh, also ~ please do NOT add any graphics or text related to DMS on them because it makes it too easy for non-members to figure out where they are used and be able to gain access. All that said, I do think they are a good option for members to be able to opt to purchase. I know @themitch22 sold some at one time. Definitely a neat option.


Are they tear-away?

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No, they are solid, one piece silicon, 65mm diameter (2.55" American)


I would be interested

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I’m in. Especially if it has a tear-away section in case of machinery grabs.

DIY Tear-Away: Cut the band and reattach it with a bandaid.


Cut the band a little on either side to create a tear away point.

also interested! also idly wondering if my apple watch can function like this, since i need more characters in this post.

are the fobs water proof? ???

Yes, they are waterproof.

I’ll buy a couple :blankspace:

I would like one if I could still keep my keychain fob. I used to keep my fob on one set of keys when I had two trucks and quite a few times I forgot my fob if it was on the other set of keys. I have since combined key rings to avoid this.

So i could definitely see myself forgetting my wristband at home and driving up to the space…I life 45 mins away on a good day so driving home to get it kind of sucks.

Our system isn’t setup to handle more than one RFID per member.

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Yes, multiple options are best. I personally hate wearing any wrist wear (one exception: my DD(darling daughter) made me a string bracelet so I wear it all the time), but it would be easy to slip it on while at the space so I don’t have to remember to carry my keys around as I move through Ft. Knox.

Full Dsclosure: I admit that I have locked my self out of work areas due to leaving my keys next to my stuff and forgetting to grab them when I needed a restroom, water, common area, etc…

The ones @themitch22 had/sold were tearaway. I have one. Probably a safer option …

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I’ll look into the tearaway wristbands, but they will be more expensive.

I would be interested in a tear-away band. If they are over $5, I would be less interested.

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The RFID wristbands are in. They are red, 65mm (2.55") in diameter and are not tearaway.

They are $2 each and replace your existing RFID fob or card.

We also have injectable RFID available for $50 installed. Events |Dallas Makerspace Calendar

I’m interested in a wristband.