How is Marshall?

How is Marshall’s health, since he resigned?



Pinging @mblatz in case he wants to respond here.

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If he reads this thread:
Miss you man.


I fully expect Marshall to return from sabbatical eventually, likely in some type of Hawaiian shirt, with a tan.


Hello. All OK here in Blatzland…I felt almost immediately better psychologically once I had tuned out ‘Space related stuff. I did go see a doctor (gastro-ent) and found out something I didn’t know (gasp!): stress is not a cause of ulcers! It aggravates them, but she said it is not currently understood to cause them. But NSAIDS do (who knew?), and I take more than normal amounts of them to keep back pain to a reduced level when it flares up. Also, I typically go through greater than average amounts a month of Tabasco (it’s not just for breakfast anymore!) and Sriracha than regular folks, so advice was to cut way back on stuff like that. I am currently weighing my priorities on that :–)

@lukeiamyourfather…thanks for checking in. I really appreciate it.


Having reached to a point a few years ago where I decided Tobasco isn’t all that spicy I smiled at that statement.

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I was wondering too, glad you chimed in and are doing better!

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It was discovered several years ago that ulcers are caused by bacteria that can live surprisingly well in the stomach. They have treatments available. Stress and spicy foods are not considered causes any more.


Drs Marshall and Warren won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2005 for their discovery.


I’m sure your doctor told you but a type II NSAID like Celebrex should be a lot easier on ya sexy body

Hey Sir,
Glad your doing well. As for the back pain, I have an amazing medical massage therapist In Lewisville. She has held my back greatly and kept me off the constant anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers, and pain meds. I’ve introduced her to all my friends with chronic pain, including @Lampy if you want another DMSer that uses her.

Her name is Lydia and you can reach her at (469) 464-6083

She is amazing and affordable. Us bad backs have to look out for each other.


define affordable? cause I need that too! :slight_smile:

H. Pylori sir. Guy who found it got a Nobel Prize as I recall.

Edited to recognize Raymonds earlier post!

Great to hear from you and I’m so glad you are feeling better!


Im so glad that was discovered eventually… I just wish it had been 10 years sooner. My mom used to yell at me and tell me I was causing my ulcers by stressing so much so it was all my own fault (i was under 10 at the time). Would have been nice to have just taken an antibiotic back then. So I am quite happy about this discovery.

I am glad you are feeling better though Marshall. Much better to take care of these things sooner than later. They just always seem to get worse later.

You’re the second guy in a month that I know that’s been caught with an NSAID related ulcer from back pain. NSAIDs taken regularly can be dangerous as hell on the ol stomach lining. Glad you caught it early enough.

$65 an hour

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Ulcers are the end result of a prolonged exposure to any pain in the ass.

Full disclosure: I am not a doctor and have never played one on tv.

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I heard that Ulcers were caused by viruses but exasperated by stress.

Viruses can be a cause. As can damage to stomach lining (maybe it’s stress/higher acid that aggravates),

Medication can very much cause issues.

I took ONE single dose of excedrin for bad headache ONE TIME, no history of heavy use (extremely rare use in fact), laid down on empty stomach…

I wound hospitalized in cardiac unit for four days, dangerously anemic, transfused two units of blood. :expressionless: The ER nurse said medication tends to be causative in about 1/3 of what bleeding ulcers they see.