This is an interesting look at the two party system.
How does it work? Poorly for us, very well for them.
If all you eat is pizza, you’re apt to have other problems in life soon enough.
I think that the lesson is that they need close supervision by us and much less compassion for them. Much less forgiveness. Political office should not be a career.
How about this - in the voting booth if you can remember the incumbent’s name vote for the other guy. Probably overly simplistic but it is a place to start.
If it matters that much who is elected the office has too much power.
The days of the citizen-statesman are surely over. The time, effort, and expense of running for office beyond low-key local offices requires that one effectively make a career of it - either by happening to be wealthy or appealing to donors.
If we removed the power to give gifts to donors that problem would be solved. “Expense of running for office beyond low-key local offices” is my point. The low-key offices are the local ones where it is easier for the voters to see what they are doing.
For decades my district … this is not an exaggeration … was represented by the worst performing member of the House. It was not a question of policy. It was a question of just showing up for work.
While your advice may or may not be sound for other districts it is certainly sage advice for mine.
Politician - One who f*cks over the citizens for a chance of payment or favor.
+1. If you can remember the politico’s name then he’s been around too long.