How do I sent a PM on this forum?

Sorry if I’m being a pestus. PM= Private Mail

Seems I have to meet a 50 character limit to keep the forum software happy. These sentences did it!

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You can click on someone’s name/icon and then the Message box to send a private message:

Or your own icon in the upper right hand corner, then this little mail icon:

To open your own message box, then click New Message to draft a new PM to anyone:

Hope this helps! These forums can be pretty confusing sometimes.


There’s actually a full featured tutorial available now! For new users to the forums @discobot sends a PM with instructions, but anyone can PM it with the following command to get started:

@discobot start tutorial

You can also say stuff like @discobot display help to get more info.

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I currently know how to do the following things:

@discobot start tutorial

Starts one of the following interactive tutorials: tutorial, advanced tutorial.

@discobot roll 2d6

:game_die: 3, 6

@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you — Princess Diana

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: You may rely on it


I am trying to send the BOD a PM via this forum, but none of the names I have works.

Scott Blevins
Julie Harris
James Henningson
Ken Purcell


You can actually tag @Board_of_Directors and send a PM to their group that way.

They also may be able to chime in with what their username is here. Discourse’s tag suggestions are sometimes a little wonky, especially when searching Hy name rather than username

Also of note, when their username doesn’t match what you are looking for but their profile name does, you can find them by searching (but not hitting enter!) on a desktop, here’s an example of searching for Ken:


Then you simply click on their name on the right. Just be aware that this is only when using Talk via a computer, not a smartphone.

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No, that Talk Group isn’t PM-able. It has to be individual Talk handles .

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Talk handles for those people are, in the order you listed:


All require the @ sign up front. I’m omitting it here so they don’t get pinged by Talk.


I PM that group regularly. It’s the only way I’ve ever PM’d the board.

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OK, then I stand corrected.

Ironically, PM’ing discobot to ask it how to PM someone is probably not the best approach for this specific training.