How did people hear about DMS? Survey data results

Big Thank You to @yashsedai for pulling this data from the survey podiums! This is going back to Aug 1 this year and he’s fixed the “Please Select” glitch.

I think the most surprising insight I discovered was comparing this data to Stan’s running Open Tours data which shows that we’ve had 370 guests on Open Tour Nights since Aug 1. This survey podium data shows we’ve had 1,035 guests in total since Aug 1 which would mean we’ve had 665 guests in non-tour hours or 15 guests per day.

Source Number %
Word of Mouth 575 55.56
Please Select… 149 14.40
Search Engine (like Google) 117 11.30
Meetup 86 8.31
Facebook 62 5.99
EventBrite 19 1.84
News/Magazine 11 1.06
YouTube 10 0.97
NPR (or other radio station) 4 0.39
Twitter 2 0.19

The biggest takeaway IMO is that word of mouth is our best advertising methodology!
Keep telling your friends, acquaintances, business associates, the dude next to you at the bar and random people that you’re already accosting on the streets!


Biggest takeaway IMO is that “Please select…” is a selectable option :smile:


Considering it is our second biggest draw I’d love to know what it means.

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Please select…death or DMS?

An approach to outreach that I would like to see us use to spread the word is to sponsor tables at various large events. Non profits can get a table free or cheap. I had a 200 DMS flyers at HAM-COM 2019 on the Richardson Wireless Klub table and plan for DMS to have a table next year. DPRG had a table at the Frontiers of Flight Moon Day event. I will be evaluating DMS having a table next year.

Should the survey have a question for new members to specify if they heard about DMS at such an event?


E I know PR was cracking on buying a large amount of new business cards I wonder if we shouldn’t take a box of them and put them on one of the tables and the common room so that anybody that wants some can grab them take him to their PTA meeting their church group or whatever without having to go find someone and ask for him. I hand out cards all the time and I’ll be Lobby in the grocery store at Home Depot I don’t know if they come but I try


@Cairenn_Day I like the idea of making business cards readily available. I paid about $30.00 to have 1,000 DMS business cards with my name, phone, email and self-assigned title of Arduino Instructor. I pass them out freely.

Tanner Electronics is kept well supplied with both DMS and my cards. A while back someone said that Tanner distributes more DMS cards than anyone else.

I have thought about suggesting a plan of DMS funding a set of cards for each instructor that presents 5 (or whatever) classes. Yeah… I know… $$$. How many members need to join for one month to cover the cost of a $30 box of cards?

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An affiliate type promo via social media would really boost both of these. Member affiliate type of links somehow? and or a #hashtag promo would encourage more social media cross posting, and more look at this alsum thing I made at this alsum place.

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By the way if you’re going to get some more business cards for yourself or for DMS and you check out. Print that is where I get mine they have great prices and very nice cards I do not like to get the coded cards because if they get damp they stick together and I do too many outdoor shows where things get missed it on so you can skip the fancy coating unless you know they’re always going to stay high and dry. But text me sometime and I’ll show you one of their cards. And by the way that reminds me I need to order more cards before my two big fall shows

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Do we have numbers for how much higher this was back when we used to cross post classes and events over there?

I would speculate, unencumbered by facts, that a significant number of those are being escorted by a member that they already know - i.e., someone comes with a member as a visitor.

When I’ve seen people bring a friend in for a tour on non-tour times, I’d say they have have much higher join rates for several reasons:

  • Someone they know and trust has sold them on their experience at DMS
  • They already have someone they know here so won’t have that lonely feeling and probably have common interests they’ll work on together.

When they take them around, you can tell what they are interested in, all areas are shown however at some they go “Uummm, this is CA, Creative Arts” (step inside wave finger around) leave, do this at a couple of other places. But when they get to area they have an interest in the description switches to “Check this out! We can do XXX, YYY, and ZZZZ … all the tools are here.”


One day when I was at DMS hanging out in North Lobby, there were 4-5 people over the course of the afternoon who randomly showed up and ranged the doorbell curious about DMS, of which I showed 2-3 a couple of the areas. I’ve seen a few others do the same.


I will check and check back. If there is, I’d love to see it myself.