How did electronics pcb mill do auto leveling

I am looking for information on auto leveling using grbl but i am coming up with very little on the other hand i am seeing things for marlin and tinyg that allow for auto leveling. I am seeing auto leveling using chilipepper and tinyg … and i know the pcbmill group was using chilipepper at some point.

Z axis topo probe.
Does a matrix probe of brd and stores.
Think all of this is done in Chilipepper.
Paging @Team_PCB_Mill

Ah So to rephrase it so i can understand it better.
Your z axis is just a normal topological probe, Which does a matrix probe/read of the board then stores it in chilipepper via the json serial server. Chilipepper is an online web application it calculates the offsets then stretch the layered cuts according to the warping of copper clad board. Is this correct?

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Not familiar w/ all the details of how it’s done.

Yes that is exactly how it works. There is a procedure and some documentation links here:

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Electrically It just uses the z-axis end stop input on the Tiny-g