Hot Deal at Target, Wrapping Paper for $0.25 per Roll

For the Crafty among us, Target is selling off their gift wrap at 90% off.

The regular rolls are $0.25 and the long rolls are $0.50 each. I managed to purchase their Jumbo Gift Wrap Storage Container ($11) and 35+ rolls of Wrapping Paper for $20ish bucks. I have Gift wrap for years!!!

Check it out now, because I told family around the US and many stores have already sold completely out. This is a more than Great Price!

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Beware all whom know Nick


Was it that obvious?
You know me too well.

word of warning:
I’m STILL using the stuff I bought ~20 years ago, from Target, on clearance…
It’s so easy to overbuy at these rates!
Still saving $$, though.


The paper is versatile. I have pink unicorn paper I’m going to use for birthdays. They also had sloths, but they were out of narwhals.


Try giving a few more presents, you cheap bastard!


Haasss youuuu buuusted!

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You’re not wrong… :slight_smile:

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just use larger boxes for those gifts !

For example :

My brother gave his g/f a ring inside an GKY / Lobro Axle boot box (Lobro is the factory supplier for boots, joints, axles parts to most European cars)

She gave him a large wrapped box with a bag of flour and a bag of sugar in it (he likes to cook) which hid the envelope to the Porsche driving experience in Atlanta.


I started putting gifts in pillowcases, especially for the kids. Saves so much time and I don’t have to pick up paper after. The kids love getting new pillowcases. I might get some wrapping paper on sale and keep it for times when I have to wrap something (office parties).


As a New Year’s confession, I have to admit for about last 15 years I have wrapped every gift I have given (that required wrapping, that is) with junk mail news paper adverts. As JH points out, kids just want to unwrap stuff, and as for the adverts, it’s about the only thing they are good for since: 1) they taste like crap, even with sugar and Sriracha; 2) they generally are not as soft and gentle as regular toilet paper (generally); and 3) if you tape them together and try to use them for bed sheets, the just rip apart on first use. So pretty useless…except for wrapping.

+1 for use of pillowcases, @Julie-Harris. Now you have me thinking how good maybe they taste…


The thrift store I go to the most has the poorest quality plastic bags
They have orphan pillowcases withot a twin for less than a doller
Since I shop on senior day when all used items are half price, I find
a [illowcase of two to put my purchases in or sometime a tote bag

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