Hope no PlasmaCAM user got crushed by the impact! (Lame Joke)

This morning a member asked if I would assist at the PlasmaCAM in a while. Later I saw this and no one was in sight.


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Are you talking about the powder coating oven, or something that fell over and might have actually crushed someone?

The powder coating oven is on wheels and is easily moved. It was next to the induction forge, and one of those guys moved it out of their way.


Yeah I’m just joking about the powder coat oven location. It was about in the same position last week when we had to move it back so eight people in the PlasmaCAM class could look over my shoulder for a demo.

Someone actually had asked about assistance this morning. When I looked in someone else was using the induction forge which would have prevented moving the oven. The guy wanting to use PlasmaCAM decided to wait until next week. We must find a bit of humor as we wait for more space for our equipment.

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We’re going to be to start calling that thing The Metal Shop TARDIS…


As long as no one actually steps in there. Ugh.


Unlike the “real deal”, this one appears/disappears on top of the subject, rather than the subject emerging from the depths…


Graf Zepplin
Graf Tardis


In the way of what? :confused:

ooooooo … we can fit another MultiCam Plasma in there, surely … haha …

I think the metal shop needs to become a Tardis … much bigger on the inside

Moving anvils, bases, hammers, tongs and the post vice in and out, around that thing, for the open forge on Sunday was… fun.


The better question IMO is what is it going to be used for and why did we accept it? It seems like a large hunk o junk

I believe it is a powdercoating oven …

We already possessed one that wasnt used, hahahaha

yeah but this one’s bigger… and… expansion!


Tonight’s induction forge class proved it makes teaching in the metal shop just a joy. (not a joy, actually really difficult)

Can you move the induction forge somewhere else for the class? I know there is power over by the loading dock … I don’t know if that is an option as there is a bunch of stuff over there …

With the forge, the chiller, the hoses, and the need for 3 phase, moving the forge is really not an option. Not to mention that the anvil and the stump are pretty heavy and getting a pallet jack back there to help is pretty damn rough.

If no one is going to use the powdercoater until we move/expand, can it be put into storage?

I dunno. I’m told it took 2 forklifts to get it to it’s current location… I’m really not sure why it’s in the building at all.