Home Fire Safety

I had a fire incident recently that got me thinking about things. I posted it on my random access web page. Tell me what you think.

Interesting. We have fire extinguishers all over the house, including a couple aerosol can fire extinguishers - but we only have one vapor mask and I wouldn’t have thought of that. Thanks for the pointer.

If there is a fire at the Space, first yell scream whatever to alert members to get the hell out to safety. Absolute overriding primary concern, everything secondary to that.

If there is a fire extinguisher handy and you feel safe using it and can put it out. Do so.

If there is ANY doubt this can’t be controlled with a fire extinguisher, e.g it’s contained within the laser vs the saw dust collector is on fire, the some needs to call the Fire depart ASAP.

I know Jason was able to borrow the fire extinguisher simulator from work and there was a class. I think this is training that should should be recurring. What does one of these cost? If it is reasonable, I think we should have one of these. It would definitely raise our safety awareness.

A short course covering the fire extinguisher and maybe the AED would be good. Fortunately the latter has never been needed … but it may someday … maybe on me, so there’s little self-interest here.

I know at the PlamsaCam class Zack had the other night, he mentioned we should have a bucket of sand for fires. I agree, in fact we should probably have one in: Metal Shop, Machine Shop, Auto Shop, and likely some in Science for Acid and Base spills to neutralize them (especially if they are on the person. At the very least we should probably have an eye-wash station in Science.

I’ll get with Logistic about this, I’ll get the stuff if they approve the purchase.

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Had zero attendance.

Hey guys and gals I get training at work sometimes for this stuff. There are different kinds of extinguishers depending on what kind of fire you have. There is absolutely no “one fits all” solution on the market (here’s a very basic example. Yes Dry Chemical checks all in this example, but this sign isn’t all inclusive):

If this hasn’t been reviewed before for the space i’d recommend someone review this for each spaces “unique” situations.

Then there’s “D” and “K”, all of which could happen at DMS.

Yep correct. Do we have a central location in the building with MSDS sheets for everything we have readily available to the members? Sorry for the dumb questions I just signed up last night.

Dunno about centrally located MSDS but we DO have type “D” fire extinguishers.

Each committee is supposed to maintain their own SDS’ (I believe). But FWIW, we do have a map of fire extinguishers and other safety equipment. You can see it here - and it is posted throughout the space.

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Don’t know about that, I did see one out in the shop where there were 8-10 people.

Welcome to Makerspace, now that you’ve been here a day … what classes have you decided you are going to teach or committees to take part in! :innocent:


Actually I am thinking of teaching some electronic circuit fundamental or circuit analysis courses. But I am signed up for the “teaching” class in two weeks because I have never formally taught before. I am assuming this sentence came from the thought I am just one of those people who dictate rather than act? :slight_smile: I am more than happy to review electronic based questions while I am in the space. I hope to meet you soon! Take care.


In case I want to put out my thermite rxn? :slightly_smiling_face:

Not at all. I’m known for asking people what they can teach. Usually when activating their badge, why wait?

If you teach a class, even every other month or so, I’ve found you get connected into the Makerspace community at a whole different experience level. You will definitely meet a lot more members, get sought out for advice, and become part of what makes the Makerspace what it is.

I’m a true believer in DMS and I am an unapologetic evangelist for becoming more involved. Even if that involvement is just taking more classes or doing more projects. If you are a member in good standing your entitled to the same benefits and opinions as other members. Volunteering doesn’t entitle you to more privileges - it will get you more work (DMS is very elgalitarian, we have zero wage disparity. We all get paid equally: nothing) Now that doesn’t mean people don’t recognize your efforts. Nor how you feel about yourself as a contributor.

I don’t know if its a sense of humility and fear of harassment that we don’t wear Super Hero capes.:wink:

I’m hijacking my own thread here but I would love to see us get webinar stuff going strong, both for learning how to do it and to engage more members to teach and participate. There is a podcast class coming up. I think it will cover video and audio. I’m hoping to learn some sort of free or low cost webinar platform. Would be cool to have a little space for a studio or I suppose, just the hardware and protocol for broadcasting applicable classes .

We can start a U. of DMS diploma mill!


@designcat This gentleman just said he wanted to speak with you, he just phrased it differently.

David, this is our in-house person for SME for course development, specifically Moodle, an online training package we are using at DMS.

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Don’t forget that both smoke alarms and fire extinguishers have expiration dates. If your home is 10 or more years old, and you have the builder supplied smoke detectors, it is time to replace them.

I’m currently replacing couple a month with the hard wired nest alarms. Once I have the hard wired ones in, I’ll be adding battery powered ones to the laundry room, garage, and multi purpose rooms. (I suspect the garage may be typically not recommended location, but I seldom drive the one car that parks there, and the other two thirds of the space would make a lot of sense to have protection) The nest do have an advantage that they link wirelessly, so the wired and battery ones link together seamlessly.

Thermite, magnesium, phosphorus, might throw steel wool in there somewhere…

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