High Altitude Drones

Hey guys/gals,

Are y’all familiar with high altitude drones that could reach the thermosphere/mesosphere? I’m trying to research but haven’t found anything yet and looking for expertise?

I doubt you will find anything less then a spacecraft that can reach those altitudes. My understanding is that the mesosphere starts at about 31 miles… or roughly 150,000 ft.

It appears that the SR71 folds the flight altitude record of 85,000 ft. How high can a (commercial or military) jet aircraft go?

Not sure what altitudes are possible with amateur rockets, but near space baloons top out at about 100,000 feet. So only about to the middle of the Stratosphere…

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You’d need a sounding rocket for this or … antigravity maybe :slight_smile:

Not a drone, but interesting anyway

bang bang! looking at them now!